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Good Health and Fitness - and Nutrition - is about enjoying life … being able to move around without being breathless all the time, and enjoying our foods by not starving ourselves. There are ways to have a strong body and feeling great about a workout, without feeling like our body will fall apart after.


Our main workout program is the Group Fitness Interval Training hour long sessions. It has been proven that working out, and working out in a small group - is the best combination to enjoying the fitness journey ... and sticking to it for the long haul - to reaching our personal fitness and health goals.


We also offer personal training hour long sessions, for those who would like the one-on-one individualized attention towards your personal fitness and health goals. We also offer a nutritional component to our overall fitness and health training, because in order to feel and look great (during and after workouts) - we need to nourish the body with good food and nutrients.


An experience that is good is usually always about - the trainer, the program, and YOU. As the owner and trainer, I am the one who creates the experience environment for you. The program is a comprehensive and thorough program of fitness, health, and nutrition. YOU are the final and most important component to making this fitness and health experience the best ever - bring your positive attitude, your smile and grit, and your hard work and dedication ... to long lasting results!


Your life changes TODAY!

Personal Trainer and Nutritionist


I am a Certified Personal Trainer, also with a Master’s degree in Kinesiology - Health and Fitness.


I believe that our health is number one priority! With good health, we can enjoy every other aspect of our lives (work, family, friends, fun).


Fitness is an everyday lifestyle, and lifelong - to enjoy our kids and grandkids growing up too!

About Us - Get Fit 101 Boot Camp

A Personal Note ...



I have been there. I gained the freshman fifteen. Too tired or too stressed to do anything. Bouts of emotinal eating, to soothe the soul. In N Out Burgers and fries. Ice cream, with the cone. Chips, the whole bag. Late night eating, then going straight to bed.


And, I have also been there. The yo-yo dieting. Doing good, working out regularly for one month. Then not seeing a gym for three months. Keeping on extra weight for years and years post high school and post college.


But one day something makes sense and clicks! I did what I needed to do, and lost all the extra weight - to get back into my high school range.


Luckily, I had habits instilled from the early years (high school and college). I was an athlete in high school and college - Varsity all four years high school, and Female Athlete of the Year in college. And my educational background includes a Master's degree in Kinesiology (Fitness and Health).



Get Fit 101 Boot Camp

Together we will get there!
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